May 7, 2024

About Us

MySchoolPlug is an online Education resource website that is solemnly created to broadcast legit, accurate Education information to students, parents, Aspirants, Graduates, undergraduates and the general public.

At MySchoolPlug, we broadcast all Education information such as, POST UTME Forms, Schools Cut Off Marks, List Of Courses, Careers, Biographies, Scholarships, Education Updates and a lot more to students, aspirants and the entire public in a whole thereby making their Educational pursuits easier.

We also assist students through legit Education information and how to guides being published on our website to help students, and aspirants to achieve their aims and objectives.

If you have any question(s) to ask us, do not hesitate to contact us. We are always available and happy to be of help.

Thanks so much for visiting our website!!!.